SP2019: Travel Information
For problems enroute, send a whatsapp or call Giulia Carbonari at +39 333 284 3129 and we’ll do our best to help.

How to get to Cagliari

The Mario Mameli International Airport is only 7km away from Cagliari city centre.
From the airport you can arrive to the city centre by:
‘Elmas Aeroporto’ railway station is 5 minutes away from the terminal building, the journey to Cagliari city centre takes 5-7 minutes and costs 1.3€. Tickets are sold by Trenitalia at the vending machines (located both in the Arrivals area of the terminal and inside the train station), online and by official ticket counters and authorized dealers. For information on timetables, fares and further details, please contact Trenitalia at the Italian toll number 89 20 21 or visit Trenitalia website.
A standard daytime journey costs 15-20€ and takes approximately 15 minutes. Taxi are available outside the terminal building. Otherwise service in Cagliari is provided by the following companies:
- Cooperativa Radio Taxi “Quattro Mori” – +39 (0)70 400101 – www.cagliaritaxi.com – radiotaxi@email.it
- Cooperativa Radio Taxi “Rossoblù” – +39 (0)70 6655 – info@radiotaxirossoblu.com
- Radio Taxi “Cagliari 0707055” – +39 (0)70 7055 www.taxicagliari.net
- Soc. Coop. “Taxielmas.it” – +39(0)70 243292 info@taxielmas.it
How to get to the conference venues

5th June at Università di Cagliari – Facoltà di Ingegneria e Architettura. Via Marengo, 2 Cagliari
From the city centre:
- Linea 5 direction Cinquini – Stop “Merello”
- Linea 8 direction Policlinico Universitario – Stop “d’Armi (Ingegneria)”
Entrance: Walk through the entrance gate (ingresso principale at bottom left of map), proceed straight (150 meters) to Building D1/D2 toward the Aula Magna and you’ll find us there. In the afternoon workshops – our rooms will be in Building “I.”

6th and 7th June at Lazzaretto di Cagliari – Via dei Navigatori, 1 Cagliari
From the city centre:
- Take Linea 6 direction Parcheggi Stadio – “stop Schiavazzi” anytime.
In addition, there is a Venue Bus at the times and locations indicated below and in the agenda. For this bus, a ticket is not required and it is not Line #6. It is the bus parked at the pickup points.

Bus pickup point 1 looks like this (Palazzo Consiglio Regionale) from two different angles:

And bus pickup point 2 looks like this (Piazza dei Centomila) from two different angles

If arriving by another means – approaching the Lazzaretto looks like this

And from the street you walk through this gate

Thursday evening, we will have a dedicated “Sustainability Bus” from the ZUES Project to bring us back at 2030 after the aperitivo/performance.