Smart Energy Services in the Commercial Rented Sector - SmartSPIN Final Project Event
Wednesday 25 September 2024 | 09:00-12:30 | Briefing Room IT | Workshop | Hybrid
This workshop will enable participants to discover how the SmartSPIN project helps landlords, tenants, and energy service companies overcome barriers to implementing smart energy and flexibility services to make commercial buildings smart and sustainable. During the event, various speakers will present SmartSPIN’s proposed smart energy solutions, including its flexible tariff contracts, its business model to solve the split incentive problem, and its digital solutions such as a visualisation dashboard and a gamification app. Join the discussion on reliable and smart energy services for commercial buildings during a Q&A with speakers, or find out about future funding opportunities for new project development at this SmartSPIN final event.
Contributing projects:
Agenda and speakers (below or as PDF):
9:00-9:15 Welcome and agenda (Sylvain Robert, European Commission, CINEA & Thomas Maidonis, EGEN)
9:15-9:20 Introduction to the SmartSPIN project (Ruchi Agrawal, IERC)
- The SmartSPIN project: results, lessons learned and exploitation (Luciano De Tomassi, IERC)
- BMC and Flexible tariff contract (Luciano De Tomassi, IERC)
- Contractual template and recommendations to address the split incentive issue (Daniel Ring, Lawler Sustainability)
- SmartSPIN early building performance diagnostics (Olaia Eguiarte, Tecnalia)
- Dynamic Dashboards for empowering energy efficiency (Álvaro Díez, Smarkia)
- Competitive energy efficiency (Álvaro Díez, Smarkia)
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
- Measurement and verification of energy savings (Sotiris Papadelis, HEBES Intelligence)
- Best practice guidelines for stakeholders (Daniel Ring, Lawler Sustainability)
- Value chain & stakeholders analysis (Wouter Rijk, EGEN)
- Innovation through Collaboration: The #SmartEnergyCluster Fuelling the Smart Energy Transition (Katerina Papapostolou, EPU-NTUA)
12:00-12:20 EU funding opportunities for new collaborative projects (Jasper van den Berg, PNO Innovation Belgium)
- Q&A Session (Thomas Maidonis, EGEN & Jasper van den Berg, PNO Innovation Belgium)
- Wrap up and conclusions (Thomas Maidonis, EGEN)
Workshop Chair: Sébastien Faye, LIST, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology