
Artelia Italia is one of the most important companies in the Group for the range of services offered, business volume and workforce. It mainly operates in the fields of Building & Industry, Retail Multi-Site, Energy and Environmental Sustainability, Transport and Urban Development. Artelia Italia, 20 years in Italy, has become a leading engineering company with an annual turnover of around € 38million and employing over 500 people operating in Rome, Milan, Bari, Florence and Pescara.

Environmental sustainability corresponds to a rate of resource exploitation and pollutant emission that can be continued indefinitely. It is a responsible type of interaction with the environment, i.e. one that maintains a high environmental quality in the long term. Sustainable places should enable people to pursue a healthy lifestyle and pattern of movement, should be accessible for everyone, safe and convenient, and should encourage good stewardship of the spaces between buildings. Artelia’s goals is assess the local impacts of climate change and to put forward proposals to improve the resilience of the region. How is It possible? By identifying the regional stakeholders and assessing an overview of the knowledge available on the impacts of climate change, the vulnerabilities and associated opportunities. Artelia reaffirms its support for the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact relating to respect for human rights and international labour standards, the protection of the environment and the fight against corruption.

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