Sustainable Places Conference Banner

Europe's #1 destination for EU research collaboration and market opportunities

The 12th annual edition of Sustainable Places (SP2024) is a hybrid event,
from 23th to 25th September 2024, with the in-person sessions hosted in Luxembourg.  

Get Ready for Sustainable Places 2024

  • DAY 1 (23 Sept.) – SP24 Opening ceremony and two site visit options

After the SP24 opening ceremony (17:20 – 18:00), anyone who previously signed up for either site visit (i.e., Philharmonic or city tour), should convene either just outside the front door if weather permits, or in the ECCL lobby if it’s raining. There is a capacity for both visits, so if you did not previously sign up, unfortunately you can not join either option.

  • DAYS 2 and 3 (24 and 25 Sept.) – SP24 registration and check-in (VERY IMPORTANT)

SP24 speakers who have 09:00 sessions should arrive to ECCL by 08:00, because there will be a security checkpoint and you will need to arrive early to your assigned room so the sessions start on time. This also leaves time to collect your welcome bag before the 09:00 session. For reference, a Speaker Instructions document is available should you have any doubts.

SP24 non-speakers who will attend 09:00 sessions should arrive to ECCL by 08:30, for the same reason (i.e., time for the security checkpoint and collecting your welcome bag). 

We thank you in advance for your cooperation, and are excited to meet in person!

Conference Scope

Sustainability targets and climate change objectives cannot be met without addressing buildings and the built environment at the building, district and urban scale to include our transport and energy infrastructures. Renowned for showcasing results coming out of the EU Horizon 2020 and EU Horizon Europe Framework Programme via the participation of cutting-edge research and innovation projects, the scope of Sustainable Places is captured directly in its name. It involves designing, building and retrofitting the places we live and work in a more sustainable way.

Conference Concept

Sustainable Places prides itself on being an ideal platform for the dissemination of research, the conduct of workshops, EU project clustering and networking between stakeholders of all types. SP2024 will be held over three days in a hybrid (digital + in-person) event format. Between opening and closing keynote sessions, parallel technical sessions and project-organized workshops will explore the various conference themes. Given world events we encouraged submissions on technology transfer, renewable energy implementations and energy security with the aim of facilitating actions that increase the rate of renovation and renewable energy implementations.

Watch the 2023 highlights

Conference Themes

Each year, Sustainable Places features topics that are shaping how we think about cities and the built environment. Across all editions, Sustainable Places is open to all topics related to building sustainability and most often reflect priorities described in the European Commission Societal Challenges and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

This year we propose the following list of themes. These themes are non-exhaustive and proposals received on other topics related to sustainability will also be examined:

  • Energy Communities, Smart Cities and Urban Transition
  • Renewable Energy Technologies
  • Sustainable Construction & Renovation
  • Decarbonization & Circularity
  • Climate Change mitigation and adaptation
  • Facilitating the energy transition: Policy, Finance, Training
  • Sustainable Urban Renewal & Cultural Transformation
  • Digital twins, Smartness & Artificial Intelligence for Sustainability
  • Resilience and Energy Security

Built4People Stakeholder Forum & Sustainable Places in one place

Built4People Stakeholder Forum at SP2024

We are delighted to announce that the 3rd Built4People Stakeholder Forum will be co-located and back-to-back with SP2024 on Monday 23 September in Luxembourg. 

Hosted in the European Convention Centre Luxembourg, and in close collaboration with Sustainable Places 2024, this event will kick-off a week of research and innovation. The stakeholder forum will feature B4P program updates from the B4P Leadership Team and collective workshops between B4P running projects.

The B4P Stakeholders Forum is a platform to allow the participation of a large community of built environment experts which is not limited to Built4People Partners and their members. The Forum gives advice on the priorities to be addressed by the Partnership Board, in line with the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda and the Horizon Europe strategic planning.


Type of ticket Early bird
Deadline: 15 June 2024
Deadline: 31 july 2024
On-site attendance (presenters or non-presenters)
Online attendance (non-presenter)
Online attendance (presenter)
Workshop boost (50 online non-presenters, full access)

*VAT excluded in the price list.

Get your ticket here:


SP2024 will be located at the European Convention Center Luxembourg, in the heart of the Place d-Europe business district in Luxembourg and will serve as an excellent venue for Sustainable Places plenary forums, clustering workshops and networking

Where to stay

We have dedicated promos for Sustainable Places attendees. Check them and book your place! 

Since 29 February 2020, public transport has been free for everybody, residents as well as tourists. This is the case for trains, trams and buses (RGTR, TICE, AVL). In other words, you don’t need to buy a ticket anymore. The only exception are tickets and subscriptions for the 1st class, which still have to be paid for. A fee will be charged at the applicable rates. However, all passengers must be able to show a personal identity document at any time if requested by the conductors.
Transport connections can easily be looked up via the app (App Store or Google Play Store) or via the Mobilitéitszentral‘s website (Mobility Centre).

Gala Dinner at Medusina - 24 September 2024, 19:30

Join us at the SP2024 Gala Dinner at the Melusina Restaurant! 

The location is a well-known place in Luxembourg because it is named after the legendary statue of Melusina, the woman the legend claims to be the Luxembourg City’s founder. 

The dinner will be served as a buffet and offer a range of different foods for any taste and necessity, from vegan to classical food.

See you at the Melusina Restaurant at 19:30! 

MELUSINA, 145 rue de la Tour Jacob, L-1831 LUXEMBOURG19:30

Melusina restaurant gala dinner SP 24

How to go there from the European Convention Center Luxembourg:

  • By Public transport:

Tramway Philharmonie => Tramway Rout Bréck (only one station). Then funicular from Kirchberg to Pfaffenthal Halte CFL. Then Bus n°23 from Pfaffenthal Halte CFL to Clausen Tour Jacob and 2 minutes walk

  • By feet:

25 minutes from the Conference location.

All public transport is free in Luxembourg.

Other routes on:

Publication Opportunity: ORE

Exciting news! Sustainable Places partners with Open Research Europe (ORE), the open access publishing platform for publication of research funded by Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe. ORE streamlines compliance with open access terms, providing a swift publishing outlet for researchers to share their results and insights. Peer-reviewed articles are optional, open to SP2024 contributors associated with EU-funded projects. Published in a dedicated collection, formats include: 

Research Articles, Reviews, Brief Reports, Data Notes, Method Articles, Software Tool,  ArticlesReviews, Case Studies, Open Letters, Method Articles, Software Tool, Articles, Reviews, Case Studies,  Open Letters. 

Check out ORE’s Article Guidelines for submission details. Articles must meet the following eligibility criteria: (i) At least one author must be involved in a running or finished Horizon 2020 or Horizon Europe project from the European Commission, and the article must be a result of that project. (ii) The article must be an original work (see section on Originality). More information can be found on ORE Policies.

Submission deadline: 31 October 2024

Scientific Committee

Affiliation Name and Surname Country
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)
Dr. Annie Guerriero
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)
Dr. Sylvain Kubicki
European Construction & sustainable built environment Technology Platform (ECTP)
Dr. Alain Zarli
Cardiff University
Prof. Yacine Rezgui
University of Cagliari
Prof. Diego Reforgiato
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Dr. Mia Ala-Juusela
Teesside University
Prof. Tracey Crosbie
Université Côte d'Azur
Prof. Nadine Tournois
École de Technologie Supérieure
Prof. Ivanka Iordanova
Frederick University, Cyprus
Prof. Paris Fokaides
University of Luxembourg
Dr. Bradley Ladewig
Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER)
Carole Blond-Hanten
National Research Council of Italy (CNR)
Dr. Benedetto Rugani
EU Laboratory for Green Transformable Buildings, GTB Lab
Dr. Elma Durmisevic
Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)
Assoc. Prof. Natalia Romero Herrera
National Institute of Solar Energy (INES)
Dr. Etienne Wurtz

Submissions to SP2024: Call for Proposals (CfP)

The CfP closed on 31 May, but late submissions are welcome and will be considered on a case-by-case basis. To submit, please download the application form and send it directly to sustainableplaces[@]

All sessions will be offered fully online or fully in-person; hybrid arrangements are not permitted. All sessions will be streamed online, but we don’t allow a mix of onsite and online speakers in a single session. For any questions, please consult the AUTHOR INSTRUCTIONS document, which details the suggested procedures with respect to the following 5 steps:

  • STEP 1: Submitting a Call for Proposals application
  • STEP 2: Conference Registration
  • STEP 3: Preparing and Promoting Contributions (including SP24 logo access)
  • STEP 4: Virtual Platform Instructions (applies to non-authors alike, to be detailed shortly)
  • STEP 5: Publication Opportunities 
©LMIH_Sabino Parente

If you still can’t find the answer to a question, please don’t hesitate to email: sustainableplaces[@]

Sponsorship Opportunities

SP2024 sponsors have the opportunity to position their brand in this unique event at the crossroads of European Research and market implementation in the sustainable built environment. This year’s sponsors will benefited from increased visibility with conference growth, professional media coverage, profile appearance in the agenda, coverage in the conference newsletter, coverage in social media and allocation of a digital booth during the event on the event platform Hopin. Sponsorships were also possible for the social program and meal events. Sponsorships make it possible to increase event user experience and to invite additional guests or participants to the event that our core audience are trying to reach.

Post-event booklet

The 2023 booklet will be available soon

The Sustainable Places 2022 Post-event photo book is available for download and viewing on Issuu. The book narrates the workshops held in Nice during SP2022, the parallel sessions and networking activities, in addition to some testimonials from the organizers and attendees and the sponsors and participating projects. Buildings Journal special editions were published from SP2019, SP2018, and SP2017, Proceedings editions were also published from SP2021, SP2020, SP2019, SP2018, and SP2017 and the SP2022 collection was published in ORE.

Book your Accommodation

Organized by

Event Sponsors

With the support of

Supported by the Luxembourg National Research Fund (RESCOM/2024/SR/18805979)


Media partnership

Participating Research Projects

More than 200 European projects will be presenting results and/or clustering in workshop sessions at SP2024Sustainable Places keeps consolidating itself as a benchmark for innovation clustering and networking among EU projects, and the conference’s organising committee is grateful for the trust and participation of all these wonderful projects.

and Silver sponsors

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