Building Digital Twin Trustworthiness

Thursday September 8th, 2022 | 10:45h - 12:15h | Hybrid

This workshop explained the PRIVACY METRIC TOOL developed under the SPHERE project for home monitoring and AI advanced control based on mathematical models. This tool was first presented at BDTIC2022 in Barcelona in June 2022, and will be one of the standards presented at CEN442 WG9. This tool provides an objective evaluation of the level of privacy, and it could be used either as a mandatory standard in the future or as a design tool for developers and manufactures of sensors and home devices. 

Future works and development of this standard proposal will be supported by DIGICHECKS H2020 project (GA 101058541). 

Session Chair: Eduard Loscos, BDTA (Building Digital Twin Association)

Contact Person: Zia Lennard, R2M Solution


  • Introduction – Fausto Sainz, COMET (PDF)
  • Pedro Mêda, Instituto da Construção – Porto University Portugal (PDF)
  • Pablo Legazpi, BDTA (PDF)
  • [not in video recording]: Andre van Delft, DEMO Consultants (PDF)

Video recording:

Video Presentation of BDTIC

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