"Digital Twin for the Construction Phase" workshop
16:30 - 18:30, 30th September, hybrid

This 120-minute hybrid workshop consisted of several presentations on the chosen topic, specifically the challenges recognized by 4 EU projects: COGITO, BIMprove, BIM2TWIN and ASHVIN. Additionally, a small-scale sensor technology called SEMS (Simplified Emissions Measurement System) capable of rapidly measuring emission data was presented by Professor Jochen Teizer from Aarhus University, Denmark (but was edited out of the video recording at the author’s request). Overall challenges addressed during the workshop were sensing, data, people, security and privacy, process, project time overruns, project efficiency, etc.
Workshop Agenda
- 5′ Workshop overview and Introduction – Gabor Sziebig, Sintef and Victoria LEROY, HaDEA
- 15′ “The COGITO Digital Construction 4.0 Toolbox” – Frederic Bosche (The University of Edinburgh) COGITO
- 15′ “Digital Building Twin for full situational awareness” – Bruno Fies (The Scientific and Technical Center for Buildings) BIM2TWIN
- 15′ “A Digital Twin Toolkit for Efficient Construction” – Lucian Ungureanu (Technische Universität Berlin) ASHVIN
- 15′ “Tracking changes with a Digital Twin in construction phase” – Altenburger Ruprecht (Zurich University of Applied Sciences) BIMprove
- 30′ “Digital Twin to Minimize Equipment Emissions in Construction Site Operations” – Jochen Teizer (Aarhus University)
- 20’ Q&A
- 05’ Discussion, wrap-up and next steps – Workshop chair: Gabor Sziebig, Sintef