"Energy Communities"

Thursday, September 8th, 2022 | 16h - 17:30h | Paper Session | Hybrid

  • “COMPILE maturity scale” (Tomi Medved, Universtiy of Ljubljana) – COMPILE project
  • [PDF]: “Peer-to-peer Energy Communities: regulatory barriers in the EU context” (Ilaria Pigliautile, University of Perugia) – NRG2peers project
  • [PDF]: “A case study of European small-town Renewable Energy Communities – Participatory design of supporting tools as a vehicle to engage and understand local communities and their energy related concerns” (Julia Blanke, Munster Technological University) – LocalRES project 
  • [PDF]: “Results and lessons learned from the IElectrix H2020 project” (Sven Tischer, E.ON Group Innovation; Gemira Martinez, Enedis) – IElectrix project
  • [PDF]: “Potential business models for Positive Energy Buildings” (Mia Ala-Juusela, VTT; Andreas Tuerk, Joanneum Research) – EXCESS project

Thursday, September 8th, 2022 | 16h - 17:30h | Paper Session | Hybrid

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