"Multi-Vector Energy Systems" workshop

14:30 – 17:30, 30th September 2021, virtual

This 180-minute workshop entitled  “Facilitating Local Multi-Vector Energy Systems with the E-LAND toolbox” explored how Local Energy Systems (LES) pose important challenges in their operation due to their weak interconnection with the bulk power system. One of the goals of the European-funded H2020 project E-LAND is to provide a synergistic solution for optimal planning and operation of multi-vector LES and isolated communities (considering electricity, gas and heat networks), through a set of advanced tools. The Multi-Vector Simulator (MVS) allows personalized investment planning, determining optimal capacities and dispatch of the assets of the LES and relevant economic/technical performance indicators. The MVS is an open-source (GPLv2) python tool based on the Open Energy Modelling Framework (oemof). Utilizing the analytical capability of MVS, the Energy Planning Application (EPA) provides an intuitive graphical user interface for users interested in investment or operational planning for local energy production or storage assets. The EPA is a python based web application that will be released under MIT license. The Optimal Scheduler (OS) offers refined operation of a LES on a daily basis – leveraging local storage assets and dispatchable loads. It utilizes energy forecasts of local production assets (i.e. solar photovoltaic, wind, solar thermal) and load, provided by the data-driven models of Energy Forecaster (EF) tool. The tools will be validated in 3 different pilots across Europe and 2 simulation cases in India.

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