The signup form contained in this page is MANDATORY for any registered delegates interested in joining one or all of the three SP2018 local site visits:
INES is the French national solar energy institute and host of SP2018, interested delegates will have the opportunity to join a tour of their large-scale PV installations on 27th after the first day of the symposium, and before the gala dinner in Aix-Les-Bains.
Energy Pool is a global leader in energy management & demand response (DR) for Industrial and commercial electricity end-users. Their DR operations center will be demonstrated on 29th June to the first 50 delegates of SP2018 that signup below.
Schneider Electric Grenoble campus includes energy-efficient buildings that are highly productive and flexible, ensuring the optimal well-being of occupants and low-energy usage due to ongoing installations of embedded technologies for applications such as room control and differentiated monitoring. A smart building installation will be demonstrated during the visit on 29th June.
For questions regarding the SP2018 site visits, please contact the Sustainable Places chair and delegate manager, Zia Lennard, via email at Zia.Lennard[@]