Full program HERE.
Queries can be sent via email to the SP conference chair (Zia.Lennard[@]R2Msolution.com).
Detailed SP2018 Symposium Agenda – Day 1 (27th June)
08:00 AM – 09:00 AM
Welcome Desk (IUT) – Delegate Registration
09:00 AM -11:00 AM
Auditorium (IUT) – Opening Keynote Ceremony
11:30 AM – 1:00 PM
Room 2 (IUT) – “IEQ Monitoring” session
- “Assessing the energy efficiency & embodied energy of insulation materials in the UK” – Monjur Mourshed, Cardiff University
- “New advanced aerogel-based insulation products for buildings” – Timea Béjat, Etienne Wurtz; CEA INES (Wall-ACE)
- “An energy efficient ventilated façade retrofitting system. Presentation of the embedded energy storage system” – Paul Bonnamy, Nobatek/INEF4 (E2Vent)
- “Cooling energy demand forecasting for dwellings in hot-arid climate: A monitoring study” – Monjur Mourshed, Fanlin Meng, Kui Weng, Balsam Shallal; Cardiff University
Room 3 (IUT) – “LCA & Heat Transfer” session
- “Optimization of district heating production operations” – Gabriela Naves Maschietto, Veolia Research (E2District)
- “Analysis of Heat Transfer for BIPV/Thermal Models” – Anthony Rey, Efstratios D. Rounis, and Andreas K. Athienitis; Concordia University
- “Creation of a technical, economic and social diagnostic tool for condominium renovations” – Théo Henriel, INSA Toulouse
- “Impact of heat pumps flexibility in a French residential eco-district” – Benoit Delinchant, University of Grenoble Alpes – CNRS
Room 5 (IUT) – “Deep Energy Renovation” workshop: Challenges, barriers, & opportunities – Effective technologies alone cannot solve the low renovation rate of existing buildings in Europe that is hindering the reaching of EU-wide targets. In this workshop, co-chairs will present successful experiences and point out existing challenges from ongoing and recently completed projects with an integrative approach.
- Peter op ‘t Veld, Simona d’Oca; Huygen Engineers & Advisors
- Anna Gralka, DEMO Consultants (P2ENDURE)
- Federico Noris, R2M Solution (4RinEU)
- Roberta Pernetti, EURAC
- Annarita Ferrante, Universitá di Bologna
11:30 AM – 3:30 PM
Room 4 (IUT) – “Performance Gap” workshop: Reducing the performance gap between predicted and actual energy performances at the level of buildings and blocks of buildings – Review of complementary EeB projects addressing the performance gap between predicted and actual energy use and this workshop examines the innovations here in relation to energy management in the context of block of buildings, relevant business models, the role of the citizen and data management.
- Fergal Purcell, Energy Solutions (TOPAs)
- Suzanne Lesecq, CEA – French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (TOPAs)
- Susan Rea, CIT – Cork Institute of Technology (TOPAs)
- Dawid Krysinski, ASM Market Research and Analysis Center (MOEEBIUS, HOLISDER)
- Federico Noris, R2M Solution (HIT2GAP)
- Martin Klepal, Christian Beder; CIT – Cork Institute of Technology (E2District)
- Rizal Sebastian, DEMO Consultants (INSITER)
- Jo Southernwood, IERC – International Energy Research Centre (NOVICE, RECO2ST)
- Wilmer Pasut, Marta Avantaggiato; EURAC Research (ExcEED)
Room 7 (IUT) – “Future of Energy Storage” workshop – Energy storage will affect the entire electricity value chain as it replaces peaking plans, alters future transmission and distribution (T&D) investments, reduces intermittency of renewables, restructures power markets and helps to digitize the electricity ecosystem.
- Regis Decorme, R2M Solution (Hybuild)
- Andrea Frazzica, CNR-ITAE (Hybuild)
- Mia Ala-Juusela, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland (STORY)
- Paul Bonnamy, Nobatek (E2Vent)
- Rebekka Köll, AEE INTEC (CREATE)
- Huub Keizers, TNO (SCORES)
- João Garcia, Luis Coelho; Polytechnic Institute of Setubal (TESSe2b)
2:00 PM – 5:30 PM
Room 1 (HELIOS) – “EC/EASME – Info Session on Smart Buildings in H2020”: policy framework, projects, and calls – The challenges of reducing energy consumption and GHG emissions from buildings, the digitalization of energy and increasing flexibility in the energy system all require the uptake of smarter buildings in the EU. With a supportive energy policy framework, new H2020 projects on smart buildings develop, demonstrate and provide feedback to policy-making on innovative solutions in this field, and there are also new funding opportunities. This session, hosted by the European Commission DG Energy and Executive Agency for SME’s (EASME), will focus on the new policy framework, an overview of H2020 projects and future funding for smart buildings as well as a discussion on the related challenges, including interoperability and buildings (big) data.
- Margot Pinault, DG Energy
- Philippe Moseley, EASME
- Pierre-Antoine Vernon, EASME
Room 5 (IUT) – “BUILT2SPEC” workshop: Tools for the 21st Century Construction Worksite – Meeting EU energy efficiency targets for both new builds and retrofits will be much easier to manage in the near future thanks to the development of new and innovative on-site quality assurance tools. All the Built2Spec technologies are connected to a Virtual Construction Management Platform supporting the collection and sharing of all project data, from initial design to the delivery to conduct quality checks during construction and refurbishment.
- Divya Deepankar, BSRIA (Built2Spec)
- Rizal Sebastian, DEMO Consultants (INSITER)
- Andrea Costa, R2M Solution
- Marcel Janer Angelet, EURECAT
- Frederico Seri, NUIG
- Xiaofeng (Ken) Zheng, University of Nottingham
- Aurelia Lippolis, PHI
- Paul Bonnamy, Nobatek (Hit2Gap)
- Leon Van Berlo, TNO
Room 6 (IUT) – “IMPRESS” workshop: Challenges and barriers to innovative retrofit – There are a number of innovations across this project including particular innovations in new cladding technologies and the new software technologies that are allowing building owners and clients evaluate these technologies for the renovation of their buildings. The IMPRESS renovation solutions are particularly relevant to buildings of the mid-20th Century, including precast clad prefabricated buildings that became popular as educational, healthcare and residential buildings.
- Oliver Kinnane, Aidan Reilly, Richard O’Hegarty; University College Dublin
- Nick Pursehouse, Dimitrios Ntimos, IES VE
- Stefano Elano, STAM
- Shirley Gallagher, SIRUS
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM
Room 2 (IUT) – “Demand Response Strategies” session
- “Algorithms and Optimization Strategies for Building Energy Management & Demand Response” – Fanlin Meng, Cardiff University
- “Demand Response: Provision of Frequency Containment Reserve through the adequate pooling of distributed loads” – Edouard Perroy, Pierre Guillain; Energy Pool
- “Smart energy management for unlocking demand response in residential applications” – Xiangping Chen, Fanlin Meng, Monjur Mourshed; Cardiff University
- “Towards Integrating Behaviour Demand Response into Simulation Based Heat Production Optimisation” – Christian Beder, Martin Klepal; Cork Institute of Technology”
Room 3 (IUT) – “Human Comfort vs. Energy Performance” session
- “A hybrid simulation and optimization based approach to optimal window opening considering thermal comforts in buildings” – Monjur Mourshed, Balsam Shallal; Cardiff University
- “Simulation model to evaluate human comfort factors for an office in a building” – R.T. Durai Prabhakaran, Bangor University
- “Assessment of Electrochromic glazing impact on Occupants Thermal Comfort and Building Energy Performance” – Eloise Sok, Sage Glass – Saint Gobain
- “A sub-zonal PMV-based HVAC and façade control system for curtain wall buildings” – Marco Arnesano, Università Politecnica delle Marche”
4:00 PM – 5:30 PM
Room 2 (IUT) – “Demand Response for Blocks of Buildings” session
- “Demand response potential of zero energy blocks of buildings: Modeling and testing results from a case study in Germany” – Ursula Eicker, Stuttgart Technology University of Applied Sciences
- “Demand response in a group of buildings based on Artificial Neural Network power predictions and Genetic Algorithm optimization” – Nikolaos Kampelis, Technical University of Crete
- “Organisational Readiness for demand response in blocks of buildings” – Tracey Crosbie, Sergio Rodrigues; Teesside University, Sylvia B., Duneworks (DR-BoB)
- “Towards an infrastructure to collect data and implement load shedding scenarios with BIM” – Alain Anfosso, CSTB (DR-BoB)
Room 3 (IUT) – “TOPAs” workshop: Tools and services for upscaling energy management from buildings to blocks of buildings – The TOPAs platform is a blocks of building energy management system capable of adapting to near real-time environmental conditions, occupant behaviour while maximising the use of renewables and minimising energy demand within a district and offers tools and services enabled by distributed demand-response strategies supported by advanced data analytics and optimisation, underpinned by semantic data and energy prediction models.
- Suzanne Lesecq, CEA-Leti
- Susan Rea, Cork Institute of Technology
- Fergal Purcell, Energy Solutions
Room 4 (IUT) – “Solar Integration in the Built Environment” workshop: Ongoing experiences and needed tools to foster nZEBs implementation – BIPV (Building-Integrated Photovoltaics) have become a reliable and cost-effective solution and there is a need to consolidate experience and share knowledge. At the same time, for proper integration, it is critical to use appropriate tools to design and integrate BIPV-embedded façades.
- Federico Noris, R2M Solution (EnergyMatching)
- Francoise Burgun, Nicolas Lamaison; CEA
- Philippe Alamy, CADCAMation (PV-SITES)
- Jenifer Adami, Marco Lovati; EURAC Research
- Pierluigi Bonomo, SUPSI (Construct-PV)
5:30 PM – 6:30 PM
Site visit of INES large-scale facilities
8:00 PM – 10:00 PM
Gala dinner in Aix-Les-Bains at “La Rotunde”
Detailed SP2018 Symposium Agenda – Day 2 (28th June)
08:00 AM – 08:30 AM
Welcome Desk (HELIOS) – delegate registration
08:30 AM – 3:30 PM
Room 1 (HELIOS) – EC/EASME – “Contractors meeting on Smart Buildings” workshop: The objective of this contractors meeting is to facilitate knowledge transfer and the exchange of best practice between the beneficiaries of R&I projects on smart buildings. The meeting will facilitate the sharing of lessons and experiences, allow for an exchange of information and expectations between policymakers and beneficiaries, help build a network of projects with similar objectives, and support project beneficiaries to achieve their contractual obligations and successfully implement their projects.
- Pierre-Antoine Vernon, European Commission
- Tracey Crosbie, Teesside University, (DR-BOB)
- Ursula Eicker, HFT Stuttgart (SIM4BLOCKS)
- Yannis Damousis, CERTH/ITI (InteGRIDy, eDREAM)
- Anne-Sophie Chamoy, EnergyPool
- Bert Claessens, Restore NV (SIM4BLOCKS, RENNOVATES)
- Mikel Fernandez, Tecnalia (FHP)
- Jo Southernwood, International Energy Research Centre (NOVICE)
- Petr Stluka, Honeywell (HOLISDER)
- Tasos Tsitsanis, Hypertech (HOLISDER, MOEEBIUS)
- Roberta Pernetti, EURAC (4RinEU)
- Emmanuel Onillon, CSEM (TABEDE)
- Margarita Assimakopoulos (ZERO-PLUS)
Room 4 (IUT) – “NewTREND” workshop: New Integrated Methodology and Tools for Retrofit Design Towards a Next Generation of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Buildings and Districts – NewTREND seeks to improve the energy efficiency of the existing European building stock and to improve the current renovation rate by developing a new participatory integrated design methodology and tools targeted to the energy retrofit of buildings and neighborhoods, establishing energy performance as a key component of refurbishments.
- Nick Purshouse, Dimitrios Ntimos (IES)
- Melinda Orova, Szabina Várnagy (ABUD)
- Andrea Moro, Elena Bazzan, Paola Borgaro (iiSBE Italia R&D)
- Francisco David Gallego (REGENERA)
- Davor Stjelja (Granlund)
- Rosemarie MacSweeney (UCC)
- Cathal Hoare, Tobias Maile (UCD)
- Paul Mittermeier, Ahmed Khoja (MUAS)
- Marco Barbagelata (STAM)
- Víctor Martínez (Sant Cugat)
- Marco Arnesano (UNIVPM)
08:30 AM -10:00 AM
Room 5 (IUT) – “Smart Grid Design & Deployment” session
- “Design of independent renewable energy microgrids using linear programming” – Juan Manuel Espeche, R2M Solution
- “Energy Management Systems in smart electrical & thermal grids: two case studies” – Giorgio Manganini, Marcello Torchio; United Technologies Research Centre (ELSA, E2District)
- “Inverter for photovoltaic generator tied to the electrical grid” – Anthony Bier, INES (PV-SITES)
- “Monetary value of a district’s flexibility on the spot and reserve market” – Benjamin Rohrbach, Lucerne University of Applied Science and Arts
08:30 AM -12:00 AM
Room 2 (IUT) – “DSM & DR” workshop: innovative business modeling for demand-side management and demand response on the meso and micro levels – How to arrive at business models for innovative DSM and DR solutions that meet not only customer needs (e.g. utilities, aggregators, owners of (blocks of) buildings) but also the needs of the final end-users (e.g. households, building occupants) who are actively or passively involved in delivering flexibility or demand reduction? That is the question this workshop will aim to answer.
- Sylvia Breukers, Ruth Mourik; Duneworks (DR-BoB)
- Simona D’Oca, Huygen Consultants & Engineers (MOBISTYLE)
Room 2 (IUT) – “District Energy Systems” workshop: a collaborative exchange of results on planning, operation, and modeling for energy efficiency – District Energy Systems represent one of the most promising solutions for a sustainable energy system. District energy systems can be up to 10 times more efficient plus they enable a broader range of services for sustainability and economic growth when compared with traditional systems. Discussions in the workshop will focus on the increased penetration and cost-effectiveness of district heating and cooling technologies in the EU energy sector.
- Tatiana Loureiro, Raymond Sterling; R2M Solution (INDIGO)
- Miika Rama, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland (INDIGO)
- Martin Klepal, CIT (E2District)
- Roberto Fedrizzi, EURAC (Flexynets)
- Meritxell Vinyals, Michael Descamps; CEA (PENTAGON)
- Wolfgang Birk, Lulea University of Technology (OPTi)
- Gozde Unkaya, Exergy (Thermoss)
- Borna Doračić, University of Zagreb (CoolHeating)
- Marin Petrovic, Municipality of Visoko (CoolHeating)
- Inés Arias, DHC+ (SDHp2m, PlanHeat)
- Ioannis Meintanis, Serafeim Moustakidis; City University of London (InDeal)
- Martin Buchholz, TU Berlin (H-Disnet)
10:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Room 5 (IUT) – “Innovation for a Low Carbon Economy” session
- “Market potential for Holistic Innovative Solutions for Recycling of Raw Materials from C&DW” – Dawid Krysiński, ASM Market Research and Analysis Centre (HISER)
- “Low carbon technologies for the built environment redevelopment” – Federico Orsini, Paola Marrone; University of Rome
- “Generating models for model predictive control in Buildings” – Clément Fauvel, Suzanne Lesecq; CEA, Susan Rea, CIT (TOPAs)
- “Connecting the know-how of design, production and construction professionals through Mixed Reality” – Rizal Sebastian, Demo Consultants (INSITER)
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM
Room 2 (IUT) – “Flexibility” workshop: Putting residential flexibility management into action with pilot sites and a public debate over the multi-year energy program in Europe – This workshop has received an official CNDP label and will include feedback from 3 European projects, namely MAS²TERING, BEEST, and DRIvE. The current smart grid paradigm enables optimal Demand Response (DR) and provides for the centralized management of a limited number of individually-controllable assets through simple and reliable control strategies.
- Marie-France Robbe, Meritxell Vinyals, Nizar Touleimat; CEA
- Tatiana Loureiro, Raymond Sterling, Juan Manuel Espeche; R2M
- Frits Maas, Sander Drissen; Scholt
- Sergio Costa, Daniel Sanchez Gil, Angel Paiz Farre; COMSA
- Jan Bastiaensens, Eric Smets, Stefan Lodeweyckx; Enervalis
- Amy Taylor, Daniel Cullinane, Nathan Jones; BGCBC
- Aleksandar Kavgic, Murilo Almeida; Typhoon
- Monjur Mourshed, Fanlin Meng, Kui Weng, Balsam Shallal; Cardiff University
Room 3 (IUT) – “Low Carbon Heating & Cooling Strategies” workshop: challenges faced and solutions available from a technical and business perspective when aiming for a decarbonized heating and cooling sector – Just as sector coupling is important to take synergy effects into account from a technical perspective, it is necessary to consider also the political and business perspective when forming strategies towards a low-carbon heating and cooling future. The workshop will function as a Market Uptake Dialogue to present technical- and non-technical results from the Heat Roadmap Europe project including examples of replicable business cases and will include a dialogue to encourage market uptake where the participants can share their own experiences with barriers and best practices.
Room 5 (IUT) – “Retrofit, Renovation, & Refurbishment” session
- “Plug-and-Play solutions for energy-efficiency & deep renovation of European building stock” Rizal Sebastian, DEMO Consultants (P2ENDURE)
- “Sustainable business models for the deep renovation of buildings” – Karine Laffont-Eloire, DOWEL Management (STUNNING)
- “Planning city refurbishment: a study at district scale with the CROCUS tool developed in the SINFONIA project” – Karine Laffont-Eloire, DOWEL Management (SINFONIA)
- “Cost-effective enhanced geothermal systems for energy efficient building retrofitting” – Thomas Messervey, R2M Solution (GEOFIT)
Room 6 (IUT) – “Nature-Based Solutions” workshop: why and how to implement Nature-Based Solutions? This interactive workshop aims to identify the main impacts and co-benefits of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) on sustainable places and to discuss the innovative business models and financing mechanisms to enable their implementation. Pioneering case studies will be presented as support to the discussion and several innovative business models and financing mechanisms providing will be presented and their replicability will be discussed.
- Marco Calderoni, Thomas Messervey, Domenico Perfido, R2M Solution (Nature4Cities)
- Florian Kraus, Green4Cities (Nature4Cities)
- Stéphanie Decker, Nobatek-INEF4 (Nature4Cities)
- Marjorie Mussy, CEREMA (Nature4Cities)
4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Auditorium (IUT) – Closing Keynote Ceremony
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Atrium (HELIOS) – Farewell Cocktail Reception