Deep renovation Joint Workshop 2.0
Day 4 | Friday 30th October | 09.00 - 12.00

“P2Endure Deep Renovation Joint Workshop 2.0” aimed at bringing together stakeholders representing key decision makers and implementers in the field of deep renovation of buildings, along with retrofitting solutions users, and developers for an array of interactive poster sessions and discussions, and a unique hands-on showcase of innovative deep renovation of building solutions.
The objective of the workshop was to raise awareness on the most innovative building renovation and energy saving solutions as well as to present and discuss altogether the main features of the P2ENDURE e-Marketplace.
Participating projects : P2Endure, EENSULATE, ENVISION, RenoZEB, and BIM-Speed
Chair of the workshop: Michelle Giordano (RINA Consulting)
- “Introduction” Michelle Giordano, RINA Consulting
- “P2Endure Project – Plug-and-Play product and process innovation for Energy-efficient building deep renovation” André Van Delft, Demo Consultants
- “P2ENDURE Demo Buildings” Genoa Demo, Italy – Fabrizio Tavaroli, RINA Consulting; Gdynia Demo, Poland – Agnieszka Lukaszewska, Prefasada; Warsaw Demo, Poland – Piotr Dymarski, Mostostal Warszawa SA
- “Results of P2Endure Project Project Survey” Claudia Portulano, RINA Consulting
- “ENVISION Project: a full renovation concept that, for the first time, harvests energy from all building surfaces, transparent and opaque” Paola Robello, RINA Consulting
- “EENSULATE Project: innovative lightweight and highly insulating energy efficient components and associated enabling materials for cost-effective retrofitting and new construction of curtain wall facades” Daniela Reccardo, RINA Consulting (PDF)
- “RenoZEB Project: innovative components, processes and decision making methodologies to guide all value-chain actors in the nZEB building renovation process” Enrico Scoditti, RINA Consulting (PDF)
- “BIM-SPEED Project: innovative methodologies and tools with one central information source at its core: the Building Information Model (BIM), a digital representation of a building” Timo Hartmann, TU-Berlin (PDF)
- Q&A