"Sustainable Housing Supporting Health and Well-Being" Workshop
Day 4 | Friday 30th October | 09.00 - 12.30

The building stock in Europe today is still not fit to support a shift from institutional care to the home-based independent living model for the ageing population. There is a recognised need to facilitate the development of community-based services and to stimulate the emergence of age-friendly home conversions. These homes should enable independent living and remote health monitoring to the growing ageing population. In addition to physical / spatial alterations, making homes age-friendly should include upgrading existing ICT infrastructure to support digital services for independent living and connected and integrated care including telehealth and telecare, as well as solutions supporting health status and healthy lifestyle, while enhancing energy efficiency and eco-sustainability..
This workshop brought together a selection of EU-supported initiatives that are developing innovation solutions for supporting the development of investment in sustainable housing which supports health and well-being of its occupants. Projects presented their research, as well as discussed and benchmarked potential challenges that they face together.
Despite its proven potential for systemic change, large-scale investment (both public and private) in sustainable homes still faces barriers, often caused by insecurity about personal, societal and financial returns on investment and a lack of clarity about concrete elements of sustainable age-friendly living environments and the choice of building, retrofitting and adaptation measures to be implemented. The projects contributing to this workshop are developing solutions to tackle these barriers.
Participating projects : Homes4Life (H2020), TeNDER (H2020), SHAFE (Thematic Network), Hands-on-SHAFE (Erasmus+), NET4AGE-FRIENDLY (COST Action), AGE’IN (Interreg 2 seas), PHArA-ON (H2020), SmartWork (H2020)
Participating European Commission representative: Irina Kalderon Libal, Policy Officer Health Innovation and Ageing, European Commission
Chair of the workshop : Silvia Urra Uriarte, TECNALIA
- Welcome statement: Irina Kalderon Libal, Policy Officer, European Commission
- Workshop overview: Silvia Urra, TECNALIA
Housing enabler & Market analysis
- AGE’IN: Aline Ollevier, VIVES University of Applied Sciences
Innovative solutions for housing supporting health and well-being
- TeNDER: Annelore Hermann, GATV, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
- SMARTWORK: Charalampos Vassiliou, BYTE
- PHARAON: Filippo Cavalo, Scuola Superiore di Studi Universitari e di Perfezionamiento Sant’Anna
Supporting investment into and implementation of age-friendly housing
- Homes4Life: Silvia Urra, TECNALIA
Get involved: age-friendly housing networking and clustering
- Smart Healthy Age-Friendly Environments – policy and implementation: Carina Dantas, Cáritas Diocesana de Coimbra
- Q&A, Moderator, Régis Decorme, R2M Solution
- Discussion, wrap-up and next steps: Silvia Urra, TECNALIA
- Conclusion: Irina Kalderon Libal, Policy Officer, European Commission
Compiled Slides:
[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.sustainableplaces.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Sustainable-Housing-Health-and-Well-Being_SP20.pdf” title=”Sustainable Housing Health and Well Being_SP20″]