Integrating Tried-and-Tested Solutions for Deep Renovation of the EU Building Stock
Wednesday September 7th, 2022 | 14:45h - 16:15h | Workshop | Online
Complex problems call for innovative, holistic solutions. Improving energy efficiency of European buildings requires interventions across the whole value chain, and the mobilisation of all sectors –government, private enterprises, research/academia and civic society. Technical solutions and best practices are already available. Projects such as EUROPA, outPHit, re-MODULEES, and SAVE THE HOMES, identify and integrate such solutions together, leading to substantial added value and the possibility of breakthroughs in market uptake. A key factor beyond strictly technical solutions is financing, and here SMAFIN multi-stakeholder dialogues –the follow-up to the Sustainable Energy Investment Forum initiative– brings forward significant insights.
The workshop included a high degree of interactivity, and aimed to highlight the common and complementary insights and solutions contributed by the five projects, effectively and reliably leading to high performance, deep renovations.
Session Chair: Alexander Deliyannis, re-MODULEES project / Sympraxis Team
- Jérôme Chardon, EUROPA project / AGEDEN
- Etienne Vekemans, OutPHit project / PROPASSIF
- Chiel Boonstra, outPHit project / Trecodome
- Giulia De Aloysio, re-MODULEES project / CERTIMAC
- Ana Sanchis Huertas, SAVE THE HOMES project / IVE
- Kiki Papadopoulou, SMAFIN project / CRES
- A round of brief (7’) presentations
- Moderated virtual roundtable discussion, where key challenges related to the deep renovation of the EU building stock were highlighted, along with the solutions and policies proposed by each project.
- Q & A: The audience had the possibility to set questions in advance (by email to and during the event.
All participating projects are Horizon 2020 Coordination and Support Actions. Three of these (EUROPA, outPHit and re-MODULEES) are under the same call for proposals, LC-SC3-B4E-1-2020 – Towards highly energy efficient and decarbonised buildings, aiming to increase the depth and breadth of renovations, while integrating clean energy technologies into the building envelop and/or systems. The fourth, SAVE THE HOMES, has worked with similar objectives on a renovation One-Stop Shop Citizen Hub concept, while the fifth, SMAFIN, is a follow-up to the successful Sustainable Energy Investment Forum initiative, promoting multi-stakeholder dialogue on building renovation financing.