Tools and Technologies for Hybrid Thermal and Electric Grids towards Sector Coupling
Thursday, September 8th, 2022 | 16h - 17:30h | Workshop | Hybrid

This workshop brought together five projects (HYPERGRYD, HEATflex, MISSION, SUPERP2G, and WEDISTRICT) to discuss synergies and lessons learned within each project related to coupling the hybrid thermal and electric grid sectors. After brief project introductions, a roundtable was followed by questions and answers from the audience.
HYPERGRYD aims at developing a set of replicable and scalable cost-effective technical solutions to allow the integration of RES with different dispatchability and intrinsic variability inside Thermal Grids as well as their link with the Electrical Grids, including the development of innovative key components, in parallel with innovative and integrated ICT services formed by a scalable suite of tools for the proper handling of the increased complexity of the systems from building to Local Energy Community (LEC) levels and beyond, accelerate the sustainable transformation, planning, and modernization of District Heating and Cooling (DHC) toward 4th and 5th generation.
The aim of the Danish/Austrian project HEATflex is to develop a common technical and economic strategy to increase the use of waste heat and the competitiveness of CHP. A perspective is by providing heat flexibility in district heating grids. The project aims to investigate how heat from other processes (e.g. industry, data centers, co-generation with cooling, excess energy) can be recovered. Two easy-to-use decision support tools were developed to see the effects on the integration of RES, e.g., with sector coupling via heat pumps, or the use of waste heat. Three roadmaps will bring DH grid operators, planners and CHPs the innovative possibility to check the technical and economic feasibility by using simple input data.
The WEDISTRICT project is born with the objective of demonstrating 100% fossil-free heating and cooling solutions by optimally integrating multiple sources of renewable energies and excess heat in new and existing DHC systems. For this, integration of nine upgraded renewable solutions for DHC generation into real DHC sites will be performed within the project.
Multi-vector Integrated Smart Systems and Intelligent microgrids for accelerating the energy transitiON (MISSION) project aims at developing two Smart Grid demonstrators – microgrid size and near real scale – located, respectively, at the CRENEA in Portici (Smart Energy Microgrid ENEA) and the RSE offices in Milan and Piacenza putting attention on the design and implementation of technological solutions that enable the transition of networks towards integrated and smart multi-energy distribution systems.
SuperP2G interconnects leading P2G initiatives in five countries, ensuring joint learning in 3 year timeframe (2019-2022). Each national project focuses on different challenges, where researchers team up with local need-owners to co-create solutions. SuperP2G focuses on improving existing tools including open access, as well as developing a new open tool based on the OptiFlow and H2IndexII tools. This work is supplemented with an analysis of regulation and markets, as well as stakeholder involvement.
Session chair: Valeria Palomba , CNR ITAE
Project Consortia Involved:
- Dedicated Project Presentations (50 min)
- Roundtable (40 min)