"Value Chain of Community Energy Systems" workshop
14:30 – 17:30, 30th September 2021, hybrid

This 180-minute hybrid workshop was led by CREATORS, an H2020 project that aims to accelerate the integration of Community Energy Systems (CES) in Europe. The project Consortium is uniquely positioned to prepare a set of applications and service packages that will support initiators during the entire life cycle of a project. The aim of this workshop was to address CES from different perspectives within the commercial sector. CREATORS partners, located in different segments of the CES value chain, shared the perspectives from AECOO (Architecture, Engineering, Construction, Owner Operators) companies, businesses, and owners. This full overview of CES had a non-technical approach focusing on financial models and regulation, and a technical approach focusing on energy management platforms, cloud aggregation and digital twinning as enabling technologies for CES projects.