BIM-SPEED Final Project Insights: Harmonised Building Information Speedway for Energy-Efficient Renovation
Wednesday September 7th, 2022 | 8:30h - 10h | Workshop | Hybrid
This 90-minute workshop was be led by BIM-SPEED project which stands for “Harmonized Building Information Speedway for Energy-Efficient Renovation”. The main objective of BIM-SPEED was to push BIM for renovation projects by providing an ecosystem of interoperable tools, embedded in a cloud platform.
‘BIM for renovation of existing residential building stock’ has been proven viable in innovative pilot projects by the members of BIM- SPEED consortium, among others in H2020 Smart Cities. The mission of BIM-SPEED was to take ‘BIM for renovation’ to a deep renovation level for at least 60% energy saving, and to accelerate the market uptake across the EU. In line with its mission, BIM- SPEED aimed to enable all stakeholders to adopt BIM to reduce the time of deep renovation projects by at least 30% by providing them with: 1) an affordable BIM cloud platform, 2) a set of inter-operable BIM tools, and 3) standardized procedures for As-Built data acquisition, modelling, simulation, implementation and maintenance of renovation solutions.
BIM-SPEED relied on a trans-disciplinary approach comprising (i) process, (ii) ICT, and (iii) social innovation with a special attention to the stakeholders as a key success factor for BIM adoption. The interoperability of a full range of BIM tools for renovation was accommodated on an innovative BIM cloud platform, which was launched and made available free-of-charge for all stakeholders since the beginning of the BIM-SPEED project. BIM-SPEED engineered the seamless integration and quick installation of building and HVAC products for renovation into existing buildings. Such Plug-and-Play solutions are crucial for the overall time reduction. BIM-SPEED consortium represented all players in the renovation market. Throughout its 4-year project duration, BIM- SPEED demonstrated the holistic solution in 12 real demonstration cases. An EU-wide BIM Competition was jointly organized by the European umbrella organizations in all disciplines to kick-off the first market replication in more than 200 BIM-based renovation projects. BIM-SPEED also benefited from membership of the buildingSMART standardization platform and the EU BIM Task Group to harmonize best EU practices.
Session Chair: Andre van Delft – DEMO Consultants
Draft Agenda:
- Welcome & program introduction by DEMO (5 min) – PDF
- Summary of project results ( 15 min)
- Honoring the BIM-Speed competition finalists and winners (15 min) – PDF
- BIM-Speed platform (10 min) – PDF
- Innovative BIM tools for building renovation (10 min) – PDF
- BIM-Speed Bsl use cases for building renovation (10 min) – PDF
- Ontologies to support building renovation (10 min) – PDF
- Demonstrating BIM implementation on renovation projects (10 min) – PDF