"Integration of renewable energy technologies in district heating and cooling solutions for sustainable living" Workshop
Day 2 | Wednesday 28th October | 09.00 - 12.00

There is a large potential to integrate substantial shares of renewable energy sources in district heating and/or cooling systems, reducing dependency of DHC on fossil fuels and ultimately leading to a more efficient and sustainable energy system.
A number of EU funded projects are currently working on this topic. The objective of the workshop was to share WEDISTRICT project concept with other sister projects and interested stakeholders in order to exchange new ideas, lessons learnt from implementation, proposals about the successful integration of renewable technologies in DHC.
Participating European Commission representative: Daniel Maraver de Lemus, INEA | Innovation and Networks Executive Agency
Chairs of the workshop: Maria Victoria Cambronero Vazquez
- Welcome statement: Daniel Maraver, European Commission (PDF)
- Workshop overview: Carolina Ferrandis, Acciona
District Heat & Cooling (DHC) Network, Renewable energy sources, Thermal storage & Waste heat recovery at low temperatures
- WEDISTRICT: Maria Victoria Cambronero Vazquez, Acciona (PDF)
- REWARDHeat: Jack Corscadden, Euroheat & Power (PDF)
- RELaTED : Antonio Garrido Marijuán, TECNALIA (PDF)
- TEMPO: Dirk Vanhoudt, VITO (PDF)
- MATCHUP: Georg Hamann, ENSO (PDF)
Sustainable urban regeneration model development, demonstration of Smart City technologies in energy, transport and ICT
- DRIMPAC: Marco Barbagelata, STAM (PDF)
- REMOURBAN: Matthieu Grosjean, Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum (PDF)
- REPLICATE: Nora Mendoza, Fomento de San Sebastian, Donostia (PDF)
- Q&A
- Wrap-up and next steps: Carolina Ferrandis, Acciona
- Conclusion: Daniel Maraver, European Commission