Building Data Hubs Supporting Energy Transition

Tuesday 24 September 2024 | 09:00 - 10:30 | Workshop | ONLINE

Sustainable operation of buildings data hubs in support of the energy transition: insights from the Horizon 2020 BuiltHub project

The Horizon 2020 BuiltHub project worked towards building data collection in support of the energy transition in the European Union. It was originally conceived in support of the Building Stock Observatory, and targeted as lead users those willing to share and upgrade their data repositories, as well as end users seeking data- backed insights. Now in its final year, BuiltHub aims to share some of its key insights, while seeking direct feedback on its business and marketing models for long term sustainability. The feedback will be useful beyond BuiltHub itself, supporting other similar and follow-up initiatives towards dynamic and automated building data collection within the EU.

Contributing projects:


Alexander Deliyannis, Sympraxis – Marianna Papaglastra, Sympraxis – Judit Kockat, BPIE – Ulrich Filippi Oberegger, Eurac – Georgios Pardalis, NTT DATA

Workshop Chair: Alexander Deliyannis, Sympraxis

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