Innovation in the Built Environment. From Luxembourg to Europe
Wednesday, 25 September 2024 | 14:00 - 17:30 | Auditorium | Workshop | Hybrid

LIST, Luxinnovation and NeoBuild have joined forces to organize a session for the key players of the built environment sector in Luxembourg at SP2024 conference. This session will highlight innovative activities, strong skills and construction projects in Luxembourg, with examples provided by stakeholders active all along the built environment value chain. After a general introduction on European funding programs, and an overview of the key strategic and political orientations at the Luxembourg level, the agenda will propose both testimonials from actors already involved in research and innovation projects, and pitches from innovative stakeholders willing to join European research initiatives.
Workshop Agenda:
- 14:00 Welcome address (LIST / LuxInnovation / NeoBuild)
- 14:05 Introduction to HE program (Luxinnovation)
- 14:15 State of play in Luxembourg – main initiatives/policies/national strategy
- 14:30 Differdange and R2M Solution – DECAFF Project
- 14:40 Schroeder et associés – REGEN Project
- 14:50 WEO – RETIME Project
- 15:00 LSC Engineering Groupe
- 15:05 Municipality of Schuttrange
- 15:10 Polaris Architects
- 15:15 Augment
- 15:20 Degotte
- 15:25 Terra Matters
- 15:30 Äerd Lab