Innovative Solutions for Sustainable Energy
Tuesday 24 September 2024 | 11:00-12:30 | Briefing Room UK | Workshop | Hybrid
Innovative solutions for sustainable energy: lessons learnt from HESTIA, ACCEPT and SENDER
In the pursuit of sustainable energy practices, the exchange of best practices and lessons learnt plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of energy communities. Three pioneering projects—HESTIA, ACCEPT and SENDER—stand at the forefront of this effort, each offering unique insights and innovations aimed at advancing renewable energy adoption and demand response initiatives across Europe. Each project employs innovative solutions and methodologies to engage energy communities, enhance demand response capabilities and foster resilience within communities.
The HESTIA project represents a collaborative effort to develop energy management strategies tailored to Renewable Energy Communities (RECs). Through partnerships spanning diverse European backgrounds, HESTIA has pioneered the development of innovative tools such as user benchmarking, Non Intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM) and a blockchain-based remuneration module. These tools empower REC participants to optimize consumption and engage in demand response, thereby fostering a culture of energy efficiency and sustainability.
Similarly, the ACCEPT project adopts a multifaceted approach to engage energy communities in demand response schemes. By leveraging robust engagement methodologies and a versatile digital toolset, ACCEPT equips citizens and energy communities with the tools and knowledge needed to unlock their flexibility potential. Through tailored services and community participation, ACCEPT exemplifies the power of collaboration in driving sustainable energy practices and fostering resilience within communities.
Meanwhile, the SENDER project embodies proactive innovation in demand response and home automation. Through a collaborative co-creation process with customers, SENDER has developed cutting-edge technologies ranging from supply and demand forecasting algorithms to peer-to-peer electricity trading systems. By addressing interoperability challenges and pioneering innovative business models, SENDER sets the stage for a future where energy consumers actively contribute to the resilience and sustainability of the grid.
Central to the success of these projects is the rigorous assessment of their impact. Key performance indicators (KPIs) encompassing technical, economic and social aspects are meticulously evaluated to gauge the effectiveness and scalability of initiatives. From cost savings to environmental impact reduction, the impact assessment results offer valuable insights into the tangible benefits of energy community engagement and demand response.
This session will delve deeper into the achievements and methodologies of these projects, with a focus on the valuable lessons learnt from the demonstration activities conducted at each pilot site. Through collaborative discussions and interactive sessions, we seek to glean actionable insights and foster knowledge exchange among stakeholders.
Contributing projects:
Contributing speakers:
Andrea Vinci, AXPO – Lorena Elorza, CIRCE – Laura Bordo, RINA-C – Ismini Dimitriadou, HYPERTECH – Arjen Schamhart, ESR – Christian Kunze, Smart Innovation Norway – Riccardo Toffanin, Azienda Elettrica di Massagno (AEM) SA
Workshop Chair: Yeimy Ospina, Cluster Digital de Catalunya