"User Engagement"
Thursday, September 8th, 2022 | 14h -15:30h |Paper Session | Hybrid
- [PDF]: “A European project that is changing the way energy is consumed” (Jean-Philippe Pierre, ISEN Yncréa Méditerranée) – InterConnect
- [PDF]: “Energy Gamification: development of a user interface tool to upgrade the social experience and energy literacy” (João Cravinho, EDP NEW) – Smart2B
- [PDF]: “Flexible users, where are you? Recruitment strategies to flexibility experiments” (Carmen Valor, Universidad Pontifica Comillas) – ReDream
- [PDF]: “Informing an equitable transition to clean energy: results from a resident survey on three islands” (Dana Abi Ghanem and Tracey Crosbie, Teesside University) – REACT