HELIOS – Sustainable Places 2018, 28 June 2018, Aix-Les-Bains, France
8.30 – 10.00 |
Upgrading building smartness – from perceived potential to management of upgraded buildings
Upgrading demand response capability in buildings and districts (30 mn)
- Tracey Crosbie, Teesside University, (DR-BOB)
- Ursula Eicker, HFT Stuttgart (SIM4BLOCKS)
- Yannis Damousis, CERTH/ITI (InteGRIDy, eDREAM)
Discussion (15mn):
- DR Technology Readiness levels vs DR Organisational Readiness levels
- IS DR more effective with blocks of buildings or energy communities?
- Commercial vs. residential – which upgrade is easier?
Building optimisation for improved energy performance (30 mn)
- Roberta Pernetti, EURAC (4RinEU)
- Emmanuel Onillon, CSEM (TABEDE)
- Margarita Assimakopoulos (ZERO-PLUS)
Discussion (15 mn):
- Connecting legacy systems: monitoring, control, device lifecycle
- How does smartness increase energy performance?
- Optimising different energy sources, processes and carriers
10.00 –10.30 |
10.30 –12.00 |
From innovation to markets: matching energy markets, technologies and consumers
Buildings and energy markets (30 mn)
- Anne-Sophie Chamoy, EnergyPool
- Bert Claessens, Restore NV (SIM4BLOCKS, RENNOVATES)
- Mikel Fernandez, Tecnalia (FHP)
Discussion (15 mn)
- Commercial buildings: low-hanging fruit?
- Can buildings create value for electricity markets?
- Load shifting or absorbing variable renewable electricity?
Consumers and new technologies, services and gains (30 mn):
- Jo Southernwood, International Energy Research Centre (NOVICE)
- Petr Stluka, Honeywell (HOLISDER)
- Tasos Tsitsanis, Hypertech (HOLISDER, MOEEBIUS)
Discussion (15 mn):
- Can a market develop without interoperability?
- Are consumers ready for smart appliances?
- What innovative energy services can smart buildings offer?
12.00 – 14.00 |
LUNCH – poster session |
14.00 – 15.30 |
H2020 project management
- GDPR and implications for H2020 projects
- Lessons learned from audits on H2020 projects
- Impact monitoring
Communication and dissemination Q&A session |
15.30 – 16.00 |
COFFEE BREAK (end of the contractors meeting) |