Trends and current news about innovative technological issues related to Sustainable Cities and Communities
184 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from 28 countries have been selected for funding in the latest round of the Horizon 2020 SME Instrument. The funding is provided under Phase…
Im künftigen Smart Grid wird Strom nicht mehr zentral in großen Kraftwerken erzeugt, sondern zunehmend in kleinen dezentralen Einheiten. Selbst die Wohnhäuser werden zu Energieproduzenten. Photovoltaikmodule auf dem Dach oder der Fassade liefern direkt Strom, der dann ins Netz eingespeist wird. Außerdem sorgt intelligente Gebäudetechnik dafür, dass der Stromverbrauch der Gebäude erheblich sinkt durch eine bedarfsgerechtere Klima- und Lüftungstechnik etwa.
In future Smart Grids, electricity will no longer be centrally generated in large power stations but increasingly in small, local units. Even residential buildings will become producers of electricity. Photovoltaic modules on the roof or facade will directly supply electricity which is then fed into the network. In addition, intelligent building technology will ensure a reduction in building power consumption, for example with more needs-based air conditioning and ventilation technology.
Vinjay Rustag, Managing Director of Bridge to India, said “When you talk to major international investors about the Indian renewables sector, the fundamentals for the sector are compelling.”“When you look…
European emissions from coal fell by an impressive 11% in 2016, according to analysis of new figures published by the European Commission this week.At the end of March, the European Commission…
There are many different factors to consider when putting together a solar street light proposal. Not many people know all the considerations required, but here is a list of a…
The project will replace all incandescent lighting with LEDs, install high-efficiency shower and faucet fixtures, and put in protective and energy-saving Advanced Power Strips. HPHA is publicly owned housing for lower-income and transitional…
Tesla’s various solar roof products will become available for order for the first time starting in April, CEO Elon Musk revealed in a tweet yesterday.As far as when deliveries and…
Google has updated its Project Sunroof to include 3-D models of every rooftop in all 50 states. The new software takes into consideration the trees on your property, how…
Urban sprawl is the reality for two out of three people living in Europe. This edition of Real Economy comes from the Spanish city of Valencia. As we move to…
Denmark, Finland, Sweden and the Netherlands have the most advanced digital economies in the EU followed by Luxembourg, Belgium, the UK and Ireland. Romania, Bulgaria, Greece and Italy have the lowest…
Having transformed Istanbul into a 'city brand', Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM) has signed a cooperation agreement for a smart city consultancy project with Ericsson (NASDAQ:ERIC). Under the umbrella of the…
The MAS²TERING project can be sumarized as: Impact Methodology Pillar 1 – Interoperability Pillar 2 – Security and Reliability Pillar 3 – Holonic Architecture & Distributed Optimization Pillar 4 –…
The agreement to reform the emissions trading system comes after almost two years’ of discussions but just two weeks after the European parliament voted in favour of a new directive.…
"A comprehensive ontologies-based framework to support retrofitting design of energy-efficient districts" Authored by: G. Costa & Á. Sicilia - ARC, La Salle Engineering and Architecture, Ramon Llull University, Barcelona, Spain G.N.…
Cloud-based energy disaggregation software is hitting the gamification spot with consumers. Smartphone penetration is escalating at a steady rate and industries across the board know that they have to engage…
The WWF report, released earlier this week, illustrates how multi-stakeholder standards can help companies to reach their targets by scaling-up sustainability practices across their supply chain. Standards provide concrete measures which…
The "toughest" emission standard of any world city will enter into force in London from October 23, after London Mayor Sadiq Khan today (17 February) confirmed a £10 T-Charge to…
Cities in Europe are experimenting new ways to invest in energy transition and finance green measures at local level. Innovative financing models are becoming a priority because of lack of…
No Member State of the European Union stands ready to transition to developing smart buildings, and take advantage of the benefits such a transition would afford, says a new report…
This white paper by ARM lays out the importance to modern living of buildings and cities and how they can have a role in mitigating climate change. It goes on…
Institutions in Hamburg are proposing to build a large underground thermal heat storage system that could supply roughly a quarter of the city’s heating needs with waste heat from industrial…