Feedback from MAS2TERING, BEEST and DRIvE European projects
(SP Flexibility workshop_flyer)
The objective of the “Flexibility” workshop is two-fold:
1. To present the objectives, technologies, and results of Mas2tering, BEEST
and DRIvE projects
2. To generate a public debate with discussions of experts on the energy
program plan in Europe for the next years to come and beyond.
The workshop is organized by DRIvE project and it will count with the
following presentations:
- “Mas2tering: Multi-Agent Systems and Secured coupling of Telecom
and Energy grids for next-generation smart grid services”,
Marie-France Robbe (CEA) - “BEEST: Building Energy Efficiency Management & Smart Grid Integration Tools”, Stefan Lodeweyckx (ENERVALIS)
- “DRIvE: Unlocking the Demand Response potential in the distribution grid”, Stefan Lodeweyck (ENERVALIS)
- “Business Model Opportunities for local flexibility aggregation”, Juan Manuel Espeche (R2M)
- “Streaming Data-based Forecasting for Demand Response: From Mas2tering to DRIvE”, Monjur Mourshed (Cardiff University)
- “Multi-agent system optimization for local energy communities: from Mas2tering to DRIvE”, Meritxell Vinyals (CEA)
- “Authentication, Authorization & Accounting: from Multi-Agent System to grid security”, Paul-Emmanuel Brun (AIRBUS)
- “Regulatory Frameworks Affecting Demand Response Solutions”, Sergio Valentino Costa (COMSA)
- “Real-time Controller Hardware in the Loop (CHIL) as the key enabling technology for next-generation Fast DR”, Nikola Stojkov (TYPHOON HIL)
The workshop will be an activity within the Conference Sustainable Places 2018, and it will take place on June 28th, 2018, from 14:00 until 15:30. The workshop has received the CNDP label as an activity of the Multi-Annual Public Debate on Energy.