The overall vision of the Energy Efficient Buildings European Initiative (E2B EI) is to deliver, implement and optimise building and district concepts that have the technical, economic and societal potential to drastically decrease energy consumption.
[dropcap]T[/dropcap]herefore reducing CO2 emissions in both new and existing buildings across the European Union (EU). The E2B EI aspiration is to manage a €2bn research and demonstration programme from 2009 until 2019. To date the EC has committed €100m for the period 2010 to 2013.
[epq-quote align=”align-right”]The E2B EI will increase the level of research into key technologies and develop a competitive industry in the fields of energy efficient construction processes, products and services.[/epq-quote]
With the outcomes of this research we will be equipped to address climate change and improve EU energy independence.
The E2B EI will work to achieve the following objectives:
• deliver high quality, cost effective research that secures confidence from industry, public and private investors, decision-makers and other stakeholders
• leverage further industrial, national and regional RTD investment
• build close cooperation with research being carried out at international, national and regional levels
• enable the market entry of energy efficiency technologies, allowing commercial market forces to drive the associated public benefits
• place Europe at the forefront of energy efficient buildings and district technologies worldwide
• focus on achieving long-term sustainability and industrial competitive targets for cost, performance and durability
• aim to overcome critical technology problem areas
• stimulate innovation and the emergence of new value chains including SMEs
• facilitate the interaction between industry, universities and research centres
• encourage the participation of the new Member States and candidate countries
• perform broadly conceived socio-techno economic research aimed to assess and monitor technological progress
• target non-technical barriers to leverage markets and carry out research modes to support the development of new regulations
• review existing standards to eliminate artificial barriers to markets
• provide reliable information to the general public on the benefits of new technologies to the environment, security of supply, energy costs and employment
Full brochure/report HERE.