“Grids and Demand Response”
Thursday, September 8th, 2022 | 10:45h - 12:15h | paper session | Hybrid
- [PDF]: “Hybrid AC/DC architecture in the CEDER-CIEMAT microgrid. Demonstration of TIGON project” (Paula Peña-Carro, CIEMAT) — TIGON project
- [PDF]: “Potential 5G Solutions for TSO Grid Observability and Manageability of Massive RES Penetration Environment in the Smart5Grid Context (Daniel Shangov and Krasimir Vlachkov, ESO EAD) – Smart5Grid project
- [PDF]: “Measuring the gap: a statistical approach for online evaluation and forecasting of human participation in Demand Response programs” (Tracey Crosbie and Michael Short, Teesside University) – IDEAS, DR-BoB, InteGRIDy, and REACT projects
- [PDF]: “Configuring the user in the design and testing of demand response: Implications for user engagement with smart grid solutions” (Dana Abi Ghanem, Teesside University) – REACT