- “Urban Land Parcelization Based on Energy Efficiency Approach: The Case Study of Mahmoudabad City” Asareh Rashidi, Tarbiat Modares University (PDF)
- “Geodesign: Applications Towards Smarter Planning and Urban Design Solutions” Nadia Amoroso, The University of Guelph – School of Environmental Design and Rural Development (PDF)
- “Investigating the Effect of Air Pollution on Cardiovascular Hospital Admissions in Ahvaz” (Azin Kianzad, National Iranian Drilling Company, Mina Nouri, National Iranian South Oil Company)
- “GEOFIT: Integrated design and delivery methods and digitalization as enablers to cost-effective and efficient geothermal retrofitting” Thomas Messervey, R2M Solution
- “Review of human-based Inclusive approach for residential buildings retrofit, strategies and technologies” Ke Qu, University of Nottingham (PDF)
- “The barriers and constraints of BIM implementation during the renovation process in the Italian market” (BIM4Ren) Carlotta Cocco, R2M Solution
- “Major Renovations of Historical Building and GBRS (LEED, BREAM. WELL) application for sustainable improvements: the case of Milan” Mario Pinoli, Greenwich Srl (PDF)
- “Accelerating Energy renovation solution for Zero Energy buildings and Neighbourhoods” (RenoZEB) Michele Vavallo, SOLINTEL; Marco Arnesano, Università Politecnica delle Marche (PDF)
- “New combined solution to harness wave energy – full renewable potential for sustainable electricity and fresh-water production” (W2EW) Michael Henriksen, Wavepiston; Massimo Lai, Simon Davide Piccioni, Ener.Med.
- “Smart Grid fleet Charging EV Facilities, Demand Side Response & Energy Storage” (inteGRIDy) Justice Agbo, Siemens Plc.
- “Improving power grid stability through a power to methane plant” (STORE&GO) Diego Arnone, Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A.)
- “Opportunities for community-based Virtual Power Plants and the need for institutional innovation” (cVPP) Sylvia Breukers, Duneworks
- “Optimal planning of renewable generation for Local Energy Communities: the case of Berchidda Municipality (Italy)”. Andrea Giordano, Emilio Ghiani and Fabrizio Pilo, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica ed Elettronica (DIEE), Università di Cagliari”
- “Hit2gap: BEMServer – open source software as a market disruptor in energy management platforms” (Hit2Gap)Thomas Messervey, R2M Solution
- “Life cycle cost reduction and market acceleration for new nearly zero-energy buildings” (CRAVEzero) Roberta Pernetti, EURAC (PDF)
- “Use of simulation tools for the analysis of energy concepts based on renewables and heat recovery for buildings and districts” (Thermoss & ReUseHeat) Peter Riederer, CSTB (PDF)
- “Combined-Heat-and-Compute – A Conceptual Approach to Sustainable Digital Infrastructure” Max Schulze, Lasse Schneppenheim; Sustainable Digital Infrastructure Alliance e.V. (PDF)
- “Subterranean to Skyline – Street trees as potent boundary objects in transforming street section design. Findings from the Hug the Streets, Idelab Project, Oslo.” (Idelab) Deborah Davies, Kiit Consultancy, Norway
- “Transformation of green areas in large housing estates: public participation and urban gardening. Examples from Riga and Tallinn.” Alisa Korolova, Riga Technical University
- “IT platform to support information exchange about recycled materials for construction” (FiberEUse) Dena Arabsolgar, Holonix (PDF)
- “Energy efficiency in early design of healthcare buildings. The result of the Streamer project from research to commercial market” (STREAMER) Andre van Delft, Oana Schippers Trifan, Rosamaria; DEMO Consultants (PDF)
- “Certification for Ageing in place” (Homes4Life) Regis Decorme, R2M Solution
- “Methodology for the advanced integrated urban energy planning” (mySMARTLife) Eneko Arrizabalaga, Tecnalia Research & Innovation
- “Towards Positive Energy Districts – The +CityxChange Approach” (+CxC) Giulia Carbonari, R2M Solution (PDF)
- “Lighthouse MAKING CITY, PED, Positive Energy District development methodology and its replication potential” (MAKING-CITY) Emilio Miguel Mitre, GBC Spain
- “The ZeEUS demonstration in Cagliari” (ZeEUS) Roberto Murru, CTM Spa
- “BENEFFICE H2020 research project presentation: Affordable, Voluntarily Energy Efficiency at Home” (BENEFFICE) Anna Malamou, European Dynamics SA
- “Transforming energy efficiency into an entirely new customer experience – An effective way to engage consumers” (UtilitEE) Evangelos Zacharis, HYPERTECH; Hanna Launonen, VaasaETT
- “Behaviour Demand Response in District Heating – A simulation-based assessment of potential energy savings”(E2District) Christian Beder, Martin Klepal; Cork Institute of Technology, Ireland (PDF)
- “Demand Responses: moving beyond the technical and physical context of buildings” (DR-BoB) Tracey Crosbie, Teesside University; Sylvia Breukers, Duneworks (PDF)
- “Short-term Prediction of Energy Consumption in Demand Response for Blocks of Buildings: Dr-BoB approach” (DR-BoB) Nashwan Dawood, Teesside University