End-User Behaviours & Performance Models - paper session

Day 1 | Tuesday 27th October | 12.00 - 15.00

  • Potential on comfort enhancement and energy saving through behavioural change of energy users in real European buildings” Gloria Calleja Rodríguez, CEMOSA (PDF)
  • Supporting user’s decision-making behaviour through identification of co-benefits of energy efficient heating solutions” Ricardo Barbosa, Department of Civil Engineering – University of Minho (PDF)
  • End-user perspectives on the next-generation Energy Performance Certificates: Findings from the X-tendo survey” Sheikh Zuhaib, BPIE (PDF)
  • Consumer Behaviour Change model” Catarina Paisana Pires Costa das Neves, Nova University of Lisbon – Nova Information Management School (PDF)
  • Measurement and verification approaches performance-based models of energy efficiency services” Sotiris Papadelis, HEBES Intelligence (PDF)
Chair of the session: Zia Lennard, R2M

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